Mayo Clinic Clear Approach
Mayo Clinic Clear Approach tackles medical topics important to commercial aviators, recreational pilots, or just folks interested in things that fly. Current topics from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), and aviation trends are explored in a serious but sometimes humorous way. Mayo Clinic Clear Approach focuses on a perspective from "the other side of the gurney." Let us navigate the storms of aeromedical certification, medical issues that may affect pilots, and share experiences with and from other pilots to break through life's sometimes stormy clouds and focus in on a clear approach.
Mayo Clinic Clear Approach
Another AME Joins the Mayo Team
On this episode we cover some of the topics discussed at the recent FAA aviation medical examiner grand rounds such as more information on color vision screening and CACI qualification for "low T," and we meet the newest addition to the Mayo Clinic aeromedical team.